
Mostly wholistic living with a little wine and chocolate, too.

hello and welcome!

hello and welcome!

I'm so excited to have this space to share a glimpse into our lifestyle of mostly whole living. When I began documenting some of our journey on Instagram, I didn't know where it would lead. But I have found that sharing our meals, natural cleaners, essential oil ideas, and everyday happenings has brought me so much joy and given me an outlet to share and interact with others. I hope that as you visit you are able to see that I truly believe balance is best, and hopefully this blog portrays that. Whether it is a recipe, an favorite oil blend, a Whole 30 meal plan, or a picture of my son, I hope it allows you to shape and mold your own journey into something that brings you joy as well. 


whole 30 traveling snacks

whole 30 traveling snacks